Expat health insurance is something that you should take a close look at before you move overseas. There are many people who travel overseas every year on vacation and find themselves falling in love with their vacation destination. This is something which happens everyday and you have to remember that your need for health insurance is not going to change no matter where in the world you are.
You will still face all the same accident risks overseas that you will face here at home but you may well encounter a very different set of issues when it comes to the cost of your own healthcare and the healthcare of your family. One of the things that you certainly do not want to end up with is being caught up in limbo. Let's say for example that you are working abroad and that while driving to work you are involved in a car accident and sustain a number of minor injuries. The local police who attend the scene of the accident take you to the local hospital for treatment and, once the hospital has finished attending to your injuries, they present you with a bill for their services. How are you going to pay?
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